Clubs, Groups

In Progress. Please contact to add your organisation or to correct or update information.

Broadstairs & St Peters Comrades Club

5 St Peter's Rd

01843 862 243

Callis Court Road Broadstairs

Portland Centre, Hopeville Avenue

St Peters

07743 082 979

7 The Broadway

01843 866 599

Broadstairs Writers Circle

Royal Albion Hotel

01227 760 619

Busy Bees Sewing Group

Crampton tower

07763 866 624

Great Broadstairs Bake Off Club

45 Albion Street

07961 405 657

Island Green Fingers Club

Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society 

Scouts, 4th Broadstairs

35 Belvedere Road

01843 867 089

Singing Together

Hilderstone Adult Education Centre

0845 606 5606

St Peters Church Lunch Club

Over 60's

Church Hall

Mondays at 13:00

01843 866 061

St Peters Old Boys

Memorial Hall

St Peters

01843 864 162

St Peter's Women's Group

Church Hall

01843 861 094

Thanet Astronomy Group

01843 228 904

Thanet Bridge Club

01843 300 363

Thanet Chamber Choir

United Reformed Church Hall

The Vale

01843 602332 

Mondays at 20:00

Thanet Male Voice Choir

St Andrews Church

Reading Street

Tuesdays at 19:30

01843 844 625

Secretary Andy Brown

56 Ingoldsby Road

Birchington on Sea

CT7 9PJ 

Twitter @ThanetMVC

Thanet Speakers Club

01843 592 221

Thanet Ukelele Club

07957 147 398

Thanet Writers

The Chapel

The Royal British legion

The Woman's Institute

York Street Methodist Church

0207 371 9300

Town Shed 

Kent Gov List